Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Owls and Ghosts

    Many superstitions from the beginning of known history surrounds the owl. It it said to be a creature of darkness, magic, and death. It is no wonder, then, that owls play a major role in our national holiday, Halloween (See ' The Owl and the Witch'). 
     One interesting myth of the owl, based on its link to darkness and death,  is that it can live among ghosts. Consequently, abandoned buildings with nesting owls within were believed to be haunted.  The Barn Owl whose nesting habitat is in old barns and buildings was often referred to as the Ghost Owl. 

     Of course, we all know better now, but we still love our owls at Halloween. So, enjoy these owl and ghost themed products below. You just might fine the one perfect for your Halloween plans.


Thursday, September 10, 2015

Unlikely Owl Friendships

     This week let's just have a warm fuzzing good time and view some popular videos of unlikely animal friendships, specifically, of course, with owls.  There are records of owls being close friends, even to the point of being inseparable, with cats and dogs.  I'm sure these cases occur with the owls being raised or kept by humans, or a least, I haven't found any record showing otherwise. Still, animals are amazing and there is much we can learn from them. Enjoy!

And below are some adorable Zazzle items with owls and their friends:

Masquerade Animals Halloween Invitation
Masquerade Animals Halloween Invitation by Greyszoo
Look at other Halloween Invitations at zazzle.com