For starters, in the U.S., it is illegal for private individuals to keep one. Even those in breeding programs, rehab, and educational business or conservation must obtain a special permit or license before they can have one. Even then, the law don't allow,these professionals to really 'own' them. The birds are considered as loans from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and can be recalled at any time if permit conditions are not upheld.
Then, there are all these other reasons why you don't really want an owl as a pet:
1) Due to their nature, they cannot be kept in a cage. They must be tethered to a perch (a large one at that). And, if the bird is imprinted on you, it can be very aggressive to everyone else it comes in contact with. With their sharp beaks, talons, and overall strength, they can cause some major harm. This extends to other animals, as well. So, for one thing, it would be very difficult for you to take a vacation, or leave it in the care of anyone else for any reason. An owl can actually die from a 'broken heart' if separated from his care giver.
2) Owls are naturally destructive. If you think dogs or other pets can be, the owl is even more so. They'll attack just about anything: pillows, clothes, couches, wood, etc. Anything they can shred, they will.
3) Owls still capable of flying will need to keep it up on a regular basis based on their wild nature, as well as, for exercise.
4) Like most birds, they can be very messy. They molt a lot feathers and throw up pellets of fur, bones, and whatever else all the time. And, of course, let's not forget the poop. On top of that, these wild birds have, what is called, a 'ceca' at the base of their intestines that they have to empty daily, which, if you can imagine it, smells worse than the poop.
5) Owls have long lives. Depending on the species, an owl can live from 10 to 30 years. That is one long commitment.
6) Owls are solely carnivores and have very strict dietary needs. The best is to feed them whole rodents, and other small animals, which would not only be difficult to get, but very unpleasant. Also, don't forget the pellets afterwards.
So, for all these reasons, let's just enjoy them as the wild birds as they are and meant to be with just the professionals handling them as necessary.
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